Yet, know that many blessings are also coming as a result of this interference. Also, we know that many of you are facing many hardships with the effects of the coronavirus and the governmental impact on your lives. We are grateful for your sincere desire to connect with us. My book contains messages from Albert Einstein, Nostradamus, President Kennedy, and many other great spirits on our bright, beautiful future It contains messages which they all wanted me to give to humanity.We send our warmest greetings and shower you with Divine Love which is the core of your essence. Messages From the Masters: If you would like to order my book, Messages from the Masters, the cost is 20 or 21 through Paypal.
When you begin to return to your normal routine, be mindful of how you can walk softer on the Earth. We are joyous to see the positive ecological impact that is occurring on Earth at this time. Only, yanno, we get precious access to insight and literal messages from the Masters - the higher beings that watch over us and help us determine our fate. It draws on Weisss fascinating case histories and the wisdom of his spirit guides to help.Messages from the Masters is an anecdotal and theoretical guide based on psychiatric and spiritual approaches to achieving growth, and obtaining wisdom and healing through our relationships.
Rather, spend time asking yourself what you can do to be a better role model on earth. As more Truths become known regarding the negative impact the “elite” have placed on you, be careful not to judge, for that will keep you in a lowered state of being. One who has experienced truth in his own self will.Be careful not to judge others. This page is for sincere seekers who are already on their journey of truth.
With each rung up, you will need to shed more and to be a living ambassador for the Divine Being that you are.We understand that it is difficult to love yourself, much less those who transgress against you. There is no other way to climb the ascension ladder. You must do your inner work in order to shed any of the fears and false beliefs you have created within your energy fields. Be vigilant, for there are many wolves on the prowl who do not want you to awaken or to assist others with their awakening.This will involve taking time each day to center yourself and to get insight from your Higher Self and the Masters who will help you to discard whatever no longer serves you. Be wary of falling into traps that make you feel Separate from each other or from your Creator and other Masters who do not reside in duality.
There is no way for any of them to block their love from you, because that is all they are… pure Love. Know that there is no real Separation, only the illusion of thus.You are always fully in tune with your Higher Self, the Masters and the Source of All. The wolves are getting rather savvy at pretending to be Masters of Light, yet if you tune into their energy and note their messages, it is rather easy to discern who is coming from the Light and who is still enmeshed in their Separation from Source. If something doesn’t “feel right,” then honor your emotions and take time to determine if this feeling is based on a fear or belief within you or if it is a warning signal from your Higher Self and Spirit Guides.
You may be ridiculed by others, however, they will judge you anyway. If you are not pleased with what you are sending out, then have the courage to speak your truth and to walk your talk. Thus, it is important to go within often, pay attention to your dreams and the synchronicities that abound around you.Notice how you feel, what you eat, what you say, your thoughts, your behaviors… all things are a reflection of your inner self. Those blocks are always a result of unresolved trauma, from the current lifetime and to a lesser degree, from other lifetimes.
This may sound ludicrous to many of you, yet we know these things to be true.Many of us have walked as humans on the Earth, so we know the troubles, the difficulties, the pains you are enduring. Yet, many of you have done this while in your spirit form. While in human form, you do not have the ability to create planets and other such things. That means that you are a creator, at your very core. You are an individualized aspect of the Source of All.
So, make choices that help you to enjoy each step of your Path.Even the hard things have the opportunity to lead you toward a greater understanding, so embrace them as well. These are all things that you cannot experience in the same way while in a non-human form. Perhaps it is your art or other creative expressions that bring you the greatest happiness. You may find happiness while playing a game with children.
For each of you brings a whole host of your own Higher Selves and Spirit Teams of Light. The greatest blessing is the number of Beings of Light that is involved with these Gatherings. The Celestial Gatherings offers you two layers of blessings… receiving our love and healing energies during the personal healing portion… while you give your love and healing energies to others during the global cleansing portion.
Messages From The Masters Free To Share
Go forth today being mindful of how you can better express Divine (unconditional) Love with every thought, word, action and behavior that you express.Feel free to share this message with others.Consider joining us for the next Celestial Gathering.For more information, visit: theresacrabtree.